Specific Applications

This form is to be filled out only if you have an existing kerberos/user ID at NYU Langone Medical Center.

For all other requests, contact the Help Desk at (212)263-6868.

Please fill in all requested information. All fields with * are required.

Employee Information
Departmental Information

Please provide the make and model for any printer(s) you may be using

Terms and Conditions

I understand that the information accessible via NYU OnsiteHealth contains confidential patient information protected by State and Federal law. I understand that I may access only information that I need for the care of my patients. I understand that I may not view information belonging to patients for whom I have no responsibility. I understand that I may not discuss, share or disclose this confidential information in any form whatsoever, be it formally or in casual conversation, without proper authorization. I further understand that I have been issued a unique username and password that I will keep confidential and will not reveal to anyone. If I discover that the confidentiality of my password has been compromised, I will change it immediately and promptly notify Information Security of NYU Hospitals at MCITSecurity@nyumc.org. I understand that I may not access this system by using anyone else's username or password. I also understand that activities on this system will be monitored to ensure compliance with these terms and conditions, and that I will be accountable for all activity which occurs under my username and password. I understand that I should be aware of my hospital's e-mail policy as it relates to exchanging messages containing confidential patient information. Failure to uphold the responsibilities contained herein may result in denial of access to this system, and may further subject me to disciplinary action, termination (if employed by a health system entity) as well as to fines and penalties imposed by State and Federal laws.